Repetitive negative thought cycles…

I used to look in the mirror and hate the reflection, now all I see is beauty and expansion, trust and know that what is currently happening in your world right now is a direct result of the places and people you have chosen to sit at the table with.

I’ve been channeling deep downloads recently from my coaching world that I feel called to share with you. I’ve been witnessing extreme procrastination, hiding, overwhelm and an intense need for perfection. I also just want to presence that I don’t find it coincidental that the news has been filled with it’s usual BS of fearful tactics centred on making people live in scarcity mindset – triggering your nervous system to feel unsafe and distract you from the many possibilities that are available for you to receive if you took action. What I’m seeing is that like many others, you’re frozen. Not knowing what to do, where to do it and HOW to change your current situation

And honestly, ruminating on these very thoughts and marinading yourself in the fear, you’re actually feeding your limitations so much so that they become like a vital organ in your body that you have to fight for. Because as uncomfortable as it feels, it’s familiar.

Your comfort zone, is not your safety zone.

It’s where you stay stuck, small, hiding, fearful, stressed, depressed and in a mindset of shame, guilt further creating your own disharmony in your body – and lifeĀ 

This message is sent with so much love. To support you in activating a part of you to taking one step forward in creating a body, mind, life that you truly desire. And if you’re already content, you get to f**k this message off and pass it’s love onto someone else who you feel called to share it with

Ready to RESET your body + mind, then book a FREE discover call HERE so we can talk about my 1:1 coaching programme RESET and REVIVE to see how it can support you in breaking free of negative thoughts that leave you feeling stuck.


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