Why stress is the reason you’re craving Sugar!

There’s a huge conversation in my space at the moment with clients, friends and family and that’s how much there is to do and little time to do it! And it feels like every day is filled with so much stress.

It’s a heavy feeling that creates so much overwhelm and anxiety that it makes it super easy to overeat, reach for chocolate bars and drink more than we would really like to leading us to sugar addiction the more we say yes and lack the strength to say no.

The more stress in your mind and your body, the more energy you use. That energy then needs replacing. If you are used to reaching for foods that spike your blood sugar and don’t give you good quality nutrients you will create more cravings and you slow down your metabolism. The slower your metabolism, the less energy and the more stress!

I see this a lot with women who come to me for support with their eating habits, energy levels and that feeling of being stuck and lacking motivation. They feel frustrated because they know what healthy food is, they know that working out a few times a week would help them lose weight, they know that saying yes to everything and everyone isn’t really want they want to do but there is something that is stopping them from making healthy effective choices

The cycle of frustration and negative thoughts creates a bigger block, that block stops you from being able to give the energy to your business, it’s stopping you from being able to really feel present and enjoy having time with your kids (because in the back of your mind you feel so loaded with lacking time and so much to get done!)

Trying to eat healthy and give yourself some self care is the bottom of the priority list – you just want something quick and easy because that client meeting is more important or cleaning the house in time for Christmas has to be done.

This is exactly why I created THE BODY-MIND RESET for the busy woman that doesn’t know where to start or how to get started when it comes to her whole health. Because it isn’t just about what you’re eating or how much your working out. True health, an optimised body and mind means that your emotional wellbeing is met, that you’re regulating your nervous system, being intentional with your lifestyle choices and you feel like life is working for you and not against!

And this is exactly what we are going to uncover, just like with one of my 1:1 clients recently, who was really struggling to lose weight, she was focusing on calories, eating ‘good’ foods, weighing herself every few days and making sure she was working out. Yet she was still craving bread everyday, eating pizzas most weeks and up late every single day with insomnia. After just 3 weeks into my programme she has created natural energy waking up early (even in winter!!), making healthy effective choices (still goes out to eat and enjoys alcohol!!), has become more motivated and focused with her work, has no sugar cravings AND she is losing weight!

In the BODY-MIND RESET I am taking some of the key work I do with my 1:1 clients and dialling down on the parts that move the needle for them to deliver it to you, so you can apply the work, transform from the inside OUT and do it with an epic group of women just like YOU – ready to get their health to the next level and take on 2023!!

If you’re reading this and you’re like hell yeah I want more energy, to lose weight, feel great and smash 2023! Click below to book a discovery call with me HERE

Early Bird Offer is now on with £200 off the full price until New Years Eve, you do not want to miss starting 2023 off in this way so you can finally be the healthiest you have EVER been – BODY + MIND!


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