You know you have the power to live life in a way that expands you but you don’t know how.
Instead you find the days stress you out and you have no energy at the end of the day which gets you down. No time for exciting conversations, for working out, even a bath and a book sounds like it would be too much.
It’s super easy when you can’t access the energy of joy in your body and instead you find that stress lingers around. You feel frustration and irritability because you don’t know how to kick out of it. I’ve been there to the point I would binge eating, scroll & watch Netflix most nights just to distract from the heaviness I was feeling.
So what did I do to access more joy & fulfilment in my life…I’ve been doing years of inner work & committing to it, now it feels natural. Mostly I started to recognise the thoughts and belief systems that were holding me back from accessing my authentic self and guess what joy is a birthright, it’s not about what we have, it’s about who we be. So even in the face of challenge can you hold yourself through the challenge in a way that you don’t shut down the moments of joy that you can experience.
That might seem impossible if you’ve been in a space where joy isn’t an emotion that is readily available to you and you only give yourself permission to experience it when you get a promotion, receive a compliment, get paid on pay day, buy yourself a new dress or book that trip you have been waiting to go on.
If you know this is you, this is where you realise that you have been outsourcing your power. Your unique power is your emotional field – all the emotions and energy you have inside of you to experience life exactly as it is, no conditions on what you have or are doing!!
Here is where I would get started if you want to practice being more in your JOY!
What you appreciate, appreciates and it’s about training your mind to look for what you do have and are experiencing. After all you may not be able to have what you want but you can experience what you have. Your mind is a powerful tool and you get to create its ability to focus on what is effective for your body, because your body holds your emotional field and is the antenna for your receiving in this world. All that you desire is already here, but you have to be open in your mind and fully available to receiving it. This is where you create the base foundations for your mind to get to a place where you regulate your body.
How to practice gratitude?
*I would love for you to drop in my DM’s or tag me at @iamannakrystyna on the gram & share what a week of doing the above has created for you!
The judgement you hold towards others and yourself, creates the lack feeling inside of your body, whether it’s about actions, personality or looks they all come from the same place of lacking security in self. The longer you hold the judgement the chances are it turns to deep resentment and that’s the path to destruction in your relationships. This is where you deep dive into what is holding you back and stopping you from being able to fully accept others and yourself.
How to detox judgement?
There is a people pleaser in all of us, no one is exempt – it’s part of your nervous system that is called the social nervous system, where we create our unique expression and how we relate to others. Many of us were conditioned to please others and hold a high level of importance on what people think of us, at the base level we connect this with acceptance and belonging. Though it’s necessary to be in connection with others, to be part of the pack and be in community the bigger question that most don’t ask is at what expense? Where are we abandoning our own needs and desires for others, where do we say yes when we mean no, who are we giving more attention to than ourselves? Because all of that leads to stripping your joy.
How to heal your people pleaser?
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